Monday, December 1, 2014

MSO Reveals Satin Volcano Red McLaren P1

Satin Volcano Red McLaren P1 1 600x365 at MSO Reveals Satin Volcano Red McLaren P1
It may seem silly to some people that a paint job could be so important to warrant a dedicated post. But what they need to remember is that we’re not talking about just any old car here. It is the super significant McLaren P1 hyper car, and the paint job in question is called Satin Volcano Red.

What makes this P1 even more special is the fact that it’s a MSO (McLaren Special Operations) car and that color is a special order not normally available. That also means it has probably cost the owner of the car tens of thousands of pounds.
Satin Volcano Red McLaren P1 2 600x400 at MSO Reveals Satin Volcano Red McLaren P1
The satin paint color on this McLaren P1 is complemented with glossy parts, but the biggest highlight of it is probably the 24 carat gold plated exhaust heat shield. That is an homage to the McLarne F1 and also a technical feature, as gold is the best heat reflector. If it wasn’t so expensive all heat shields on all cars would be made from gold. But as it is, only a select few like P1 owners can enjoy the benefits of this precious metal!
Satin Volcano Red McLaren P1 3 600x400 at MSO Reveals Satin Volcano Red McLaren P1
McLaren has not mentioned any particular performance tweak for this Satin Volcano Red P1, so it’s got the standard 916 PS twin-turbo/hybrid V8 powertrain and a seven-speed dual-clutch transmission.

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